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Many people overlook skin but what they don't realize is how important it actually is. Having good healthy looking skin can help any Becky become a Beyonce, real quick.

It's not THAT hard to have naturally even, glowing and healthy looking skin. There are a few major keys that you should know and get into the habbit of doing to achieve all your glowing skin dreams.

S K I N 




1.Hair Removal

2.Exfoliating, Why and How



Shaving can only remove hair for a day or 3 depending on the thickness of the hair.


Shaving hair makes them grow back harder. Spikey growing hairs are not very pleasant at all espeacially under the arms and betweens the legs. When u shave you cut the hair off leaving it with a blunt tip.


Beacuse hair grows back so quickly you end up having to shave every day.


Shaving leaves your skin soft for the first 6 hours or so after shaving but becomes rough and pokey when the regrowth starts.


Razor burn. Enouhg said.



Razor burn will fade away in a couple of hours.

Waxing removes the hair for 1 - 9 weeks deping on how long youve been waxing for. Waxing areas consistantly for long periods of time makes the hair grow back less and it makes it grow back softer becuase you pull it from the root. It grows back with a soft tip.


Waxing saves you time in the shower as you only have to do it onece every now and then instead of everyday.


Waxing leaves your skin soft for as long as there is no hair . Waxing removes alot of the dirt and dead skin that aswell as the hair and it feels heavenly !



Without exfolioating ingrown hairs are inevitable.


Without exfolioating ingrowns will apear and it takes a while to get rid of them.

*Please note that if you have senstitive skin waxing may not be the best option for you as it can irritate the skin.

I am PRO waxing. Alot of people are too scared to try waxing because they think the pain is going to kill them.

Truth is is does hurt at first but after a while its kind of just like pulling off a plaster.. 


This is for the cheepsters and the die hards out there.

"An epilady is an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out. The way in which epilators pull out hair is similar to waxing, although unlike waxing, they do not remove cells from the epithelium of the epidermis. Aside from the spring in early spring-type epilators, there are no parts in epilators that require regular replacement. Epilators come in corded, rechargeable and battery operated designs. . ."




You buy them once, you never need to replace any part and they are extremly mobile, they only require electricy, no water, no creams and no extra effort.




For those of you who wax and and your waiting for all the hairs to grow but theres this lovely short peach dress that is begging you to wear it out, the epilady is a great solution since you've already been waxed its not going to hurt as much, it takes very little time and will not sabotage the progress you've made with you waxing so far. Also if you've decided that you want to remove your hair in a better way but you can't afford waxing this is a great solution but be warned it is going to hurt alot, but go slow and steady and eventuall it will be over and after the first time it gets much easier, like riding a bicycle !


what is it.


Exfoliating is the process of removing the dead skin cells that lays on the surface. 


why should we do it.


As we age, the process of cell regeneration slows down. This means that the body becomes much slower at shedding old cells and also become much slower at generating new ones. When old skin cells start to pile up on the surface of the skin, it can leave skin looking dull, rough, and dry. Furthermore, the build-up of dead skin cells can result in excess oil and clogged pores, leading to blemishes and acne.


Proper exfoliation removes the barrier of dead skin cells clogging the skin and uncovers fresh new cells below. This opens the way for moisturizing products to penetrate more deeply into the skin, which makes them more effective.



In short, a regular exfoliating routine will leave your skin looking fresh and healthy

Exfoliating regularly is a must do for glowing sking so make it part of your routine. Exfoliate your body once a day and your face once a week. Over  exfoliating can leave your skin dry, irritated, and damaged so do it in moderation but as NIKE says "Just Do It". 




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